WNBA Draft 2018 Provided by State Farm-- Monique Billings Prices Quote

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WNBA Draft 2018 Provided by State Farm-- Monique Billings Prices Quote

Monique Billings, Atlanta Dream-- Round 2, Pick 15This is a really excellent area for you to play. Can you simply speak concerning that?Billings: Absolutely. My representative was informing me that it's an actually excellent fit. I recognize that wherever I wind up, I'll be utilized. I know that there's a reason that I wound up in Atlanta so I'm truly excited and all set to bring a champion home to "The A". What do you believe the biggest thing is going to be?Billings: Simply boosting my stamina and having the ability to boost my rate, too. Simply to be unstoppable. Servicing my three-point shot. Simply you extra comfortable at the 3 or four?Billings: I think I could play either one. I assume I'm mosting likely to need to play either one. So, I'm anticipating that was undergoing your mind out there?Billings: Definitely nerves. I recognized that wherever I was going to wind up, there's a reason. God has a strategy Nyadiew Puoch Jersey. I just maintained that in my mind. I'm really just thankful. Thankful to be where I am. To be sitting in this area with such great players. At the same time, I'm inspired to work. I'm starving. I prepare to go and get does it really feel to have your teammate prepared on the very same night?Billings: That's a true blessing too. Having Jordin with me resembles having my sibling with me. We obtained dressed with each other today. We prepared yourself with each other. Helped each other. She's simply a big fan to me. I sustain her. So, it's simply a level of comfortability that we have among each other.

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