Mastering Prolog: Sample Assignments and Expert Solutions

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Unlock the power of Prolog with expertly crafted assignments and solutions. Master path finding and family tree representation. Need help? Contact us!

Welcome, dear students, to another insightful journey into the world of Prolog programming. Today, we embark on two intriguing Prolog assignments, meticulously crafted to challenge your understanding and refine your skills in this elegant logic programming language. Whether you're a novice seeking guidance or a seasoned Prolog practitioner eager to expand your repertoire, these exercises are designed to captivate your intellect and enhance your proficiency. And if you're wondering 'Who can do my Prolog assignment?', fret not! Our team at is here to provide expert assistance tailored to your needs.

Assignment 1: Path Finding in a Graph

Problem Statement:

You are given a graph represented as a list of edges. Your task is to write a Prolog predicate `path(X, Y, Path)` that finds a path from node X to node Y in the graph and returns it in the variable `Path`.


edge(a, b).
edge(b, c).
edge(c, d).
edge(d, e).
edge(e, f).
edge(f, g).
edge(g, h).
edge(h, i).
edge(i, j).
edge(j, k).

path(X, Y, Path) :-
    path_helper(X, Y, [X], Path).

path_helper(X, X, _, [X]).
path_helper(X, Y, Visited, [X | Path]) :-
    edge(X, Z),
    \+ member(Z, Visited),
    path_helper(Z, Y, [Z | Visited], Path).

Assignment 2: Family Tree Representation

Problem Statement:

Given a set of facts representing familial relationships, define Prolog predicates to determine various family ties, such as parent, sibling, and ancestor.


parent(john, bob).
parent(john, alice).
parent(alice, charlie).
parent(alice, david).
parent(bob, emily).
parent(bob, frank).
parent(emily, grace).

ancestor(X, Y) :-
    parent(X, Y).
ancestor(X, Y) :-
    parent(X, Z),
    ancestor(Z, Y).

sibling(X, Y) :-
    parent(Z, X),
    parent(Z, Y),
    X \= Y.


Mastering Prolog requires diligent practice and a keen understanding of its principles. These assignments serve as stepping stones in your journey towards Prolog proficiency. Remember, every challenge you overcome brings you closer to unlocking the full potential of this remarkable language.

If you find yourself grappling with Prolog assignments or seeking expert guidance, fret not. Our team at stands ready to assist you. Simply reach out to us with your queries, and we'll ensure your Prolog endeavors are met with success.

Jaminson Watler 4 w

Mastering Prolog can indeed feel like navigating a complex maze, but the journey is undoubtedly rewarding. For those of us who find ourselves stuck at times, seeking help can make a world of difference. Whether it's through university resources or assignment help platforms, the support is invaluable. Personally, whenever I hit a roadblock, I often think, "I wish someone could do my Prolog assignment for me!" Thankfully, there are experts out there ready to guide us through the tough spots, ensuring we continue to grow and learn. Thanks for shedding light on the importance of balancing independent learning with seeking help! 🌟

Anders baris 4 w

These Prolog assignments truly encapsulate the essence of logical programming! 🧠💻 For Assignment 1, mastering path finding in a graph is key to navigating complex structures efficiently. The solution provided elegantly demonstrates the power of Prolog predicates. And for Assignment 2, delving into familial relationships with Prolog predicates opens up a fascinating world of possibilities. If anyone out there is thinking "Who can do my Prolog assignment?", look no further than Their expertise ensures every Prolog challenge is met with confidence and success!